The Population of Germany


Statistical Information and Facts


The Population of Germany is one of the most populous countries in the European Union, and the 16th most populous country in the world. The population of Germany doesn’t only consist of native born German, but also one of the highest immigrant populations in the European Union.

Yet, the population of Germany is considered to have zero or declining growth based on an aging population and fewer youths.


The primary religion of Germany is Christianity, with Germany having been the center of the protestant reformation of the 16th century.  However, since WWII there has been a declining religious population in Germany, especially in the zones which were occupied by the USSR following the war. Islam and Judaism are also prevalent throughout the population of Germany, both from the current influx of immigrants and the Diaspora of the 19th century.

Predictably, the non-religious in Germany are having fewer children, and the more conservative or traditional religious populations are having more children than the less religious. Also predictably, the Jewish population of Germany has been much diminished since WWII and the subsequent migration to the United States and Israel.


The population of Germany is one of the most educated in the world.  Schooling is universal and university educations are free or low-cost to citizens. German students go through a rigorous education prior to being tracked either to university or trade schools through a round of testing around age 14.  The population of Germany is known as efficient and effective, in part due to this educational system. However, as the population grows, more tracks to university are being developed to assist the population of Germany to gain higher academic education in addition to their trades.


As the geographical center of Europe, Germany has always has a fairly dense population comparatively. Formal statistics about the population of Germany aren’t available until the year 1900, but we can assume steady growth through the previous eras, as Germany has always been an important political and financial center for whomever was in power at the time.

During the east – west Germany split, the GDR propagandized and incentivized the educated population of Germany  to present at least one child to socialism in the hopes of developing an educated and intelligent population.  Today, only 5% of university graduates have children and added to the population of Germany.

About the Population of Germany

Immigrant Groups

Many immigrant groups have been seeking refuge in Germany as their own economies collapse.

population of Germany

This has had an important effect on the population of Germany, helping to padd it and increase growth in the population of Germany  throughout the country. However, immigrant groups have not always been widely accepted as Germany has history as a country filled with xenophobia.

Turks, Arabs, and other middle easterners are the biggest immigrant groups in Germany, followed by Russians and other eastern Europeans.  There are many types of German ethnic groups which also make up the population of Germany, who are generally named after the city from which they hail – which in turn was named after the original Gallic tribe in residence when the city was founded.


Germany is comprised of 16 states known as Länder, or Lands and 22 government districts. The population of Germany is not spread evenly throughout these districts – cities have higher population densities than the rural countryside which is, in places. uninhabitable due to the density of the forest.

Berlin is the largest city-region in Germany with 4.6 million citizens and an overall population of over 17 million through the geographic region. Cologne is the largest city in the Rhineland, a region with 11.7 million in the region. The population of Germany  is incredibly diverse.

The population of Germany has been an important group of people since time immemorial. Though founded by the Gallic tribes and conquested by Roman centurions, for the past two millennia it has been a cultural hub filled with changing and developing groups of people.

The population of Germany is known as one of the most educated in the world, with students working at the highest levels in all fields. Germany has one of the stablest economies in the world, making it a popular place for immigrants to settle as they search for new lives for themselves and their families.